C&T Talk Episode 67 - Another Tragedy Turned into a Political Event - June 20, 2015

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Two friends debate the issues of the ages.  Tune in to hear them agree to disagree. Tonight's Topics include:

1) Updates: Brian Williams - http://goo.gl/jF68no ; Rachel Dolezal - http://goo.gl/1XMu5o and http://goo.gl/h2IC3w  and http://goo.gl/AeIAVI ; IRS Still can't release Lois Lerner emails - http://goo.gl/vLwLjH

2) Charleston Shooting - http://goo.gl/OZHAKn  and http://goo.gl/Ebw0RE

3) Donald Trump Enters - http://goo.gl/zj5SiA

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